Messages available
This page is dealing with the desktop version of Facebook. This does not apply to the cellphone version of Facebook.
When you receive a message from someone on your friends list, it shows up up on the top right of Facebook.
On this notification, if you do not see a red number showing, it means you have no new message.
If you do have a new message, a red number will appear to let you know you have a new message and how many they are.
However, if you receive a message from someone that is not on your friends list. It will be in the messenger on the left hand side of Facebook.
However, it does not tell you if you have a new message there or not. To find out if you have a new message, you have to manually click on Messenger to find out if there is a new message there.
At one time, if you wanted to send a non friend a message and wanted to be sure the person gets notified, you had to pay to have it go as a regular message. I do not see that in Facebook any longer so it may not apply any longer.
However, if they are not on your friends list, you will not know if you have a message from them unless you click on messenger to find out.
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